Mix of Cherry, Biancolilla e Nocellara which together create a unique flavour.
Medium - intense notes of green fruitiness and a strong and balanced taste will highlight the flavors of all your dishes.
1 Can of 100% Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil - 5 Liters
SKU: 017
Sales Tax Included
Cultivars Cerasuola 70%, Biancolilla 20% and Nocellara 10%
Production area Sciacca
Harvesting technique Hand picking and with collection aids. Milling within 24 hours of collection.
Flavors Sensations of chicory, artichoke, thistle and light medicinal scents
Taste Balanced with bitter and spicy of medium intensity.
Fruity Medium
Format 0.25 litres, 0.50 litres, 0.75 litres, 1 litre, 5 liters