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Our Oils - 100% Italian

The entire oil production of the La Madre Terra cooperative is ensured by the contribution of our members' olives.

In the area are cultivated olive groves of the native varieties Cerasuola, Biancolilla and to a lesser extent Nocellara del Belice. The oil extracted from the blend is slightly veiled, golden yellow in color with intense green hues, with hints of artichoke, tomato, almond. Intense fruity, with a balanced sense of bitterness and spiciness.

From an analytical point of view, the free acidity on average does not go beyond 0.3%, while the polyphenol content expressed as mg. of tyrosol/kg. of oil is on average between 250 and 500 mg./kg.

All olive production is traced and certified UNI EN ISO 22005:2008.

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Naturally BIO sustainable choice for protection
of biodiversity, essential for the life of
our planet. 


PDO Val di Mazara

Excellent quality, sustainable choice with 100% Italian olives

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Identifies the tradition of Sicilian olive growing
net respect for an excellent quality: union of
varietal, environmental and technical factors
typical cultivation of our territory. 


Extra virgin olive oil 

100% Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The nutritional value ensures the health of consumers

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